Missing "next" button for certain users

Issue #625 duplicate
Doreen Becker created an issue


Some of our users reported that they have no "next" button anymore for creating a "Time Sheet Report" or "Project Pivot Report". I know there is a similar issue #620 but the solution for his issue is not a solution for us.

I have created a test user so I can confirm that bug. This test user has global permission "Browse User", and has also access to JIRA, and is in fact logged in.

He can open the report configuration page for a certain project but since the "next" button is missing he cannot start creating a report.

The log-file has this entry:

/charts [jira.charts.jfreechart.DisplayChartServlet] File not found, returning 404 (filename='jfreechart-onetime-3453303696368710004.png').
/secure/ConfigureReport!default.jspa [jira.web.tags.TextTag] An empty i18n key was provided in /jira/secure/views/browser/configurereport.jsp

And when looking into this mentioned JSP, I see that the statement "if (! Boolean.FALSE.equals(request.getAttribute("jira.portletform.showsavebutton")))" decides if the next button is displayed or not.

So, what are the "triggers" to set this request attribute to true?

Further information to our settings:

We have configured a Timesheet Auditors Groups to allow certain users to create reports for other users. The test user is not assigned to this group, since he should not be able to create reports for other users - just for himself.

We have set a Maximum Period Limit (days) of 93 days.

Our Worklog limit is set to "2300". And weekend type is Sat-Sun.

The remaining configurations are default / empty / unselected.

Comments (8)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Doreen,

    This is still the same as issue#620. There is a bug, and fix is on the way, should be available this week. Workaround is:

    a) If you have configured Restricted Groups or Timesheet Auditors Groups in Administration - Add-Ons - Timesheet Configuration, but those users are not member of any group specified there. It should help adding users to such a group. Or unselecting all groups.

    b) Alternatively removing Browse Users global permission from these users should help too.

    Please let me know if it helps.

    Thank you.

  2. Doreen Becker reporter

    Hi Andriy.

    Thanks for support. Unfortunately it didn't solve the issue ... The "next" button is not visible for users who are not a member of any Timesheet Auditors Groups.

    In log files we have still the error:

    /secure/ConfigureReport!default.jspa [jira.web.tags.TextTag] An empty i18n key was provided in /jira/secure/views/browser/configurereport.jsp

    Any authenticated user should be able to create a time sheet report (or project Pivot report) for himself.

    Regards, Doreen

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