JIRA pivot report issue could not show 1st Oct 2013 to 31st Oct 2013

Issue #633 resolved
dinghui huang created an issue
  1. Could not show the project pivot report for a identified period of time for all projects
  2. But when a particular project is selected within those period, it works
  3. In addition, change it to another period of time and it work for all project as well

Comments (10)

  1. dinghui huang reporter

    Hi Andriy,

    Sorry for the late responds and please check the error file


    Dinghui(Figo) Huang

  2. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Dinghui,

    Thank you, it's clear now. There is most likely worklog by anonymous or deleted user. I believe this was fixed some time ago, could you please clarify which plugin version are you using, and try within latest

    Thank you.

  3. dinghui huang reporter

    Hi Andriy,

    I am using at the moment. I will plan to upgrade it to recently.

    I will let you know the result after the upgrade.


    Dinghui(Figo) Huang

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