Cannot add a gadget

Issue #635 resolved
Marek Fort created an issue

I cannot find the timesheet gadgets in the list in dialog "Add a gadget". I can see Atlassian gadgets, though. I've tried my personal dashboard and system dashboard.

My Jira is 6.4.3

Comments (11)

  1. Marek Fort reporter

    I replied to the email from bitbucket ( and obviously it has not appeared here.

    The reply was: yes. It says "No results". BTW. The normal reports are working well.

  2. Andriy Zhdanov
    • changed status to open

    Thanks! Can you see all modules enabled for Timehseet Reports and Gadgets add-on in Administration - Add-ons - Manage add-ons? Have you tried reinstalling plugin or restarting JIRA?

  3. Marek Fort reporter

    It was enabled since I was able to make reports. Just the gadget was not working. But I have a good news. I've update the plugin to the lasted version .4 and the problem disappeared. Thanks!

  4. Andriy Zhdanov

    Oh, great! Sorry I could not help, it's definitively intermittent problem, reinstlalling could have helped earlier, but broken communication did not let us proceed further.

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