Sort comment rows within each issue row by time and date in Time Sheet Report (showDetails set to true)

Issue #638 resolved
Former user created an issue

I generate Time Sheet Reports for each week and have "showDetails" set to true. When I log work I also fill in a comment which shows up in the detailed Time Sheet Report. The problem I have is that the work logged on tuesday show up inbetween work logged early on monday and late monday which makes no sense at all. See attached image.

Applying a filter with "order by" specified to the Time Sheet Report generation will only sort the issues shown, not the rows within a specific issue. I assume this is some kind of internal selection/sorting within the JIRA Timesheet plugin but I could be totally wrong.

Expected behaviour

  1. Sort issues, just like it is today I assume, by issue ID ascending.

  2. Sort comment rows within each issue by time and date ascending (earliest comments first).

If this is already possible to configure I just need to figure out how ;)

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