Gadget doesn't work properly

Issue #641 resolved
WD (Don't use) created an issue

I currently have the gadget set in admin to a Maximum Period Limit (days) of 100 days.

When I try to set the gadget in confluence I merely set the number of weeks to 4 (28 days if multiplied by 7)

and I get this error:

I simply can't use this gadget if I can display all the time for the past month. Ideally I want it to work for the past 90 days (quarter), but that seems hopeless if I can't get a month to display.

Please help!


Comments (3)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi William,

    It's possible, you've clicked month view before. Could you check it by reducing number of weeks to 1, and see if it uses month view, its shown in slider, and also can be determined by dated peroid.

    Please let me know.

    Thank you.

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