Month view start with mid-month week

Issue #642 resolved
Kristjan Laane created an issue

Now that this issue is fixed in version 2.9 in month view the first week shown is always 1st week of the month:

But we need it to be like it was in previous versions - we need to start counting time from a certain week in month view even if it is mid-month. This has messed up a number of our processes relying on these estimates, unfortunalely.

Given it existed before, could you provide an option to choose to start from start of month or not rather than forcing start of month as the only option?

Comments (6)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Kristjan,

    As workaround, you can set Number of Weeks: 4, in gadget configuration to get data as before, in quite long week view.

    Thank you.

  2. Kristjan Laane reporter

    Thanks for highlighting this workaround. While what you suggested works as an interim measure, are you able to put back what you took away? :) e.g. we need to have month view from Week 16 (from wc Monday 13 April 2015) for 12 weeks, and keep track of our progress every week using this cumulating aggregate and then review at the end of 12 weeks from that starting date. We were able to do that until version 2.9, and having a report of 12*7=84 days long is way too much.

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