Differences between Timesheet Gadget and Project Pivot Gadget

Issue #644 wontfix
Former user created an issue

1) "reporting day" setting (screenshot 1)

Editing gagets setting reporting day to "blank" (results in the week view starting with regional first day of week) behaves differently in the Timesheet gadget compared to the Project Pivot Gadget. At least for the region Austria belongs to.

Project Pivot Gadget reporting day = blank results in data beeing diplayed starting with Sunday. Timesheet Gadget reporting day = blank results in data beeing diplayed starting with Monday.

2) Gadet description text (below gadget title - screenshot 2)

The project Pivot gadget shows which time span is beeind currently displayed The Timesheet Gadget doesn't

Comments (18)

  1. Former user Account Deleted

    By the way - version 2.9 is missing in the version dropdown box when creating a ticket... this results the ticket having the wrong version 2.8

  2. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Sebastian,

    Thanks :) adding version is easy, but problem is not that easy, I should be able to look at it next week only.

  3. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Sebastian,

    I can't reproduce it with US or DE locale. Could you please check you indeed have not selected Reporting day option in both gadgets, and if so your locale (regional settings in JIRA)?

    Thank you.

  4. Former user Account Deleted

    Hi Andriy. I checked the settings once again: Both gadgets have "blank" set for reportig day!

    The locale settings on our JIRA Servers are:


    I checked the Jira Start JVM parameters as well - no locale/language settings are set there (so the system settings should be used)

  5. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Sebastian,

    I've just tried again with de_AT and en_US locale settings, still with no problems. Could you please clarify your JIRA and Java versions? You can find it in Administration - System Information.

    Thank you.

  6. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Sebastian,

    Thanks for providing the info. I have tried almost the same parameters JIRA 6.3.12, Java 1.7.0_45, Linux 3.8.0, with Europe/Vienna timezone, and en_US locale settings. All in vain. Sorry I don't know what can be done else.

    Thank you.

  7. Andriy Zhdanov

    May be just try removing Project Pivot gadget from dashboard, and adding it again. Assuming it has remembered some configuration settings by mistake.

    Also regarding your 2nd point in the description, timesheet gadget does not show time period in description, because it shows dates in the view, so I think it's redundant, at least for week view. For month view, you can mouse over the day and see dates too.

  8. Former user Account Deleted

    Hi Andriy. Removing and adding the gadget again has no effect. Tried it a few times. With default values as well as with changed values. No way - leaving the Project Pivot Gadget reporting day blank results in data beeing diplayed starting with Sunday. I will set the reporting day to monday manually.pp.jpg

  9. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Sebastian,

    Thank you for trying, and applying a workaround. One other idea has come into my mind. May be you can check if it is the same for other users - you don't need to check with everyone, but may be with someone in your company who has different environment - timezone, browser, etc.

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