Issue with Project Pivot report

Issue #649 resolved
Rahul Miglani created an issue


We have some projects in our JIRA account, tasks from which do not show up in the Project Pivot report for the Administrators. Developers are able to see the tasks in their timesheet report but Administrators are not able to see these tasks.

Can you please look into this and suggest what the issue could be?

I have attached screenshot for one such example. We are having this issue in about 11 projects.

Please let me know if you need more information to help with this issue.

Comments (10)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Rahul,

    Two screen shots are from different reports. May be Administrators should look at Time Sheet Report similarly to Developers. Or in report configuration you can choose multiple Projects for the option with the same name in both Project Pivot and Time Sheet reports.

    Thank you.

  2. Rahul Miglani reporter

    Hi Andriy,

    The issue is that we have an internal audit that we do every day for the time that the developers have logged in the system. We have around 300 developers in the organisation so we have created an Excel sheet with macros that allow us to easily paste the excel export of the Project Pivot report and give us the information about how many hours each developer of the organisation has worked.

    The format of the reports from Project Pivot and Timesheet are different and thus means a lot of work for us to do in order to align our audit with the new report format.

    Further, as an Administrator, if i use the Timesheet report tool and generate a report we are still not able to see the hours for some projects. I have attached the screenshot for Timesheet report as it appears for 07.07.2015 from an Administrator account and from the developer account.

    Screenshot as per report from Developer account: Report as from Developer account.PNG

    Screenshot as per report from Administrator account: Report as from Administrator account.png

  3. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Rahul,

    Is it possible that Administrator does not have permission for ABC projects? They may use different permission scheme, so that Administrators do not have Browse Projects permission. Or different roles, so that Administrators do not have role in ABC projects that has Browse Projects permission (Developers by default).

    Thank you.

  4. Rahul Miglani reporter

    HI Andriy,

    I have checked the permissions on this project and another project where we do not have any problems and the Permission scheme applied to both is the same. Both are using the Default Permission scheme which is being shared between 379 projects in our instance.

    -- Thanks and Regards Rahul Miglani.

  5. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Rahul,

    Thank you for checking.

    Then, may be you have Timesheet Auditors Groups and/or Timesheet Auditors Roles, or Timesheet Restricted Groups set in Administration - Add-ons - Timesheet Configuration, so that Administrators can not see work logged for other projects? Though there should be a notice in the bottom of the report if any of these options is involved. But could you please double check?

    Alternatively, as Administrator can you please open some of the issues from ABC projects that have work logged shown in the Time Sheet Report for developer, and open Work Log tab in the bottom of the issue, and check if you can see exactly the same hours logged there?

    Thank you.

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