TimeSheet Report Dashboard single time preview wrong alignment

Issue #658 resolved
BNT created an issue

Hi, after last plug-in update (, the TimeSheet time preview alignment change a little with additional "newline", this generate a less readable preview!

Comments (7)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Andy,

    Looks like it's rather caused by JIRA update, I'm trying on latest JIRA Server 6.4.8 and don't see the problem, but do see it on JIRA Cloud 6.5 only. However I don't think plugin is updated for JIRA Cloud to versoin So it's confusing :) Could you please clarify what JIRA version are you using?

    Thank you.

  2. BNT reporter

    Hi Andriy, I don't update JIRA version, only the plugin.

    JIRA version: 6.3.4 TSR version:

  3. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Andy,

    Ok, I see now what is the problem, and fixed it, thank you for letting me know. Fix should be available in August.

    Thank you.

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