"Show Details" per-user checkbox seemingly ignored in time sheet reports

Issue #666 wontfix
David E. Smith created an issue

There's an apparent change (possible regression?) between and In the older version, the "Show Details" checkbox would group issues by user; in the newer version this function no longer works as it did previously.

Reproducing: Create a Time Sheet Report. In the report settings, check "Show Details" and select a "Group by Field".

In, there's a summary at the top, grouped by the "Group By" field, then below that are listed the individual issues worked, grouped by user (as specified by the Show Details" field). See screenshot 1, note that one developer's name (Corey Puckett) is shown as a heading near the bottom, and the issues below are the ones worked by that developer.

In, with the same settings, the "Show Details" field is apparently ignored (see screenshot 2).

Comments (6)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov


    This is rather expected change by issue#659, now detailed part is broken by Group By Field values. It will still break by users if you don't use Group By Field option.

    Thank you.

  2. David E. Smith reporter

    So how do I get the old behavior back? I have managers here who preferred that -- a summary, grouped by an arbitrary user-selected field, then the details grouped by user. If possible, I'd rather not have to tell them that they now have to view two reports to get the information they used to be able to get in one.

  3. Andriy Zhdanov

    I may come to better idea eventually, but for now it looks like it's better to have it consistent, and break down detailed part by field if grouped by field.

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