Change the excel View export

Issue #682 closed
Vincent Audet created an issue

Hi Andriy Zhdanov, I was wondering if there is a way to customize the way the export would looks in excel, like changing the column order or something else. Is there a config file or a some code i could change for my case?

Regards, Vincent

Comments (12)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Vincent,

    It's fairly easy to customise code, but you will need to maintain it yourself. Please see templates/timesheetreport/timesheet-report-excel.vm and templates/pivotreport/pivot-report-excel.vm inside plugin jar. You can extract it and update plugin jar with the following commands, e.g.:

    $ jar xf jira-timesheet-plugin-2.9.4.jar templates/timesheetreport/timesheet-report-excel.vm
    $ jar uf jira-timesheet-plugin-2.9.4.jar templates/timesheetreport/timesheet-report-excel.vm

    Then you need to install updated plugin jar manually in Administration - Add-ons - Manage add-ons - Upload.

    Please let me know if you have any questions.

    Thank you.

  2. Vincent Audet reporter

    Thank you for this quick and precise answer, I will try this tomorrow and give you some feedback there.

    Have a nice day!

  3. Vincent Audet reporter

    Hi Andriy, I'm not sure I did everything correctly. 1. I have extract the jira-timesheet-plugin-2.9.x.jar 2. I have modify the timesheet-report-excel.vm 3. Now, the update part isn't working. The fact is that I am on Windows, so it may be the problem here.

    Could you give me a hint ?

    EDIT : I dont have Eclipse, is it a necessity?

    Thank you.

  4. Vincent Audet reporter

    I Andriy, I know it has been a week but I am working on other project too. In anycase I have no clue on how to extract only the files I need to modify and then update them. Could you give me a clue please ?

    thank you

  5. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Vincent,

    Could you please attach modified file?

    Other than that, please see first comment in this issue for how to extract exact file and then update jar.

    Thank you.

  6. Vincent Audet reporter

    Hi Andriy, in fact I understand you first post, the only thing is that I don't know where to use these command line ? By that I mean, since I am not an Unix user, how can I ?

    Thank you.

  7. Vincent Audet reporter

    Wow I feel so stupid ! It was so simple I didn't even think of that ... Well thank you I found how :)

    Have a nice day !

  8. Andriy Zhdanov

    Great! And sorry I did not realise you're on Windows and may not be familiar with shell commands. Glad it works though!

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