Timesheet Email improvements

Issue #686 resolved
Stefan Bogdan Cimpeanu created an issue

Hello. Some of my JIRA users report receiving emails regarding a timesheet report. The emails en with "You have incomplete timesheet for the period". That is correct, as they didn't log any work for the period the report is being generated.

What I don't understand is why they receive this, and how can I determine who is running the report, in order to advise not to include everyone in said report. The report link in the email does not contain any selected projects, and the project in the email subject doesn't match any project key in JIRA.

Thank you!

Comments (11)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov

    It appears it's hard to determine who has subscribed to the report. I will try to add subscriber info to the email for other users. But as administrator you can go to Administraiton - Add-ons - Timesheet Subscriptions and see all subscriptions. There you could find the one by subject [CIS] Daily Timesheet Report, and see user name for it.

    So that user has subscribed to group timesheet, in menu Issues - Timesheet Subscriptions. For relevant subscription he or she has to click Schedule and unselect Remind Groups option there, to stop including other users in the report.

  2. Stefan Bogdan Cimpeanu reporter

    Hi. Thank you for the quick reply. I've identified the scheduled time sheet and talked to the owner. What I'm seeing turns out to be a different bug.

    In our setup, all JIRA users are by default members of an AD group called jira-users. The scheduled report is set for a specific project, but the reminder is set for this jira-users group. This means that the reminder doesn't check properly if the user has an actual role in the project or not.

    Regards, Bogdan

  3. Andriy Zhdanov

    This is good point! I will plan two improvements basing on your case:

    • Show subscriber name in timesheet email for other users

    • Add support for Remind Roles (similar to Groups, but for Project Roles)

    Thank you.

  4. Mark Symons

    Two more improvements...

    When viewing "Details" from gadget and then clicking "Send Now"

    Missing icons for issue type and priority. Seen with pivot and timesheet. On email from pivot chart... issue ID & issue summary text runs together (not separated)

    See attached screenshot taken from pivot report email. This was with Plugin v2.9.3.3 and JIRA v6.4.12 (but also seen with JIRA v6.3.15) 1.

  5. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Mark,

    Could you please clarify if icons show up correctly when email is sent by regular basis using Subscription? May be you just need to click something like 'Display remote content' in you email client.

    Thank you.

  6. Andriy Zhdanov

    Version is available.

    It brings last improvement to send timesheet email to users by Project Roles.

    Please see additional options added CC Users with Roles and Remind Users with Roles in Schedule dialog, shown when there is Project specified for subscription.

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