Incorrect time frame or period if click in user in TimeSheet and Worked Time Chart gadgets

Issue #692 resolved
Former user created an issue

Hello! I expect that time settings of gadget - time frame and period - are the same if i click to user name inside gadgets. It is so for Project Pivot, but wrong with TimeSheet and Worked Time Chart gadget - see 3 screenshots.

Comments (14)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov

    But report shows the same period now from 1/Oct to 31/Oct, did you expect something else?

    Note, timesheet gadget has switch to sum by week or month, and it is passed to report, but chart does not, so month view in report by default sums by week.

  2. Former user Account Deleted

    I expect that timeframe in detailed view (or view for particular user) is the same as in general view for all users. But in detailed view timeframe is always by week inspite of other timeframes in general view in gadget. So if I see gadget for period 1 - 31 Oct by day than I expect to see also 1 - 31 Oct and also by day when I click to particular user or "Detailes" link. I have just check TimeSheet gadget - link "Detailes" works correctly. But link to user - not. And for Project Pivot now - if I click to project I can see only "by week" view and I don't have possibility to change this time frame.

  3. Andriy Zhdanov

    As I've mentioned other gadgets do not have the concept of summing hours by week or by month, so when clicking details it goes to default by day for week view, and by week for month view.

  4. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Vitaly,

    Start/end date should remain the same in all gadgets in all cases, but Time Sheet gadget also passes Sum by Day/Week/Hour flag, which can not be passed in other gadgets.

  5. Former user Account Deleted

    Now - yes, it is so. Why there is button to change timeframe in other gadgets? I offer to use this button in all gadgets, not only in TimeSheet. In other gadgets this button would be used to change timeframe in subreport - when click to project in Project Pivot or click to user in Worked Time Chart.

  6. Former user Account Deleted

    " Time Sheet gadget also passes Sum by Day/Week/Hour flag" - see screenshot:


    • after clicking to user there is Sum by Week instead of Sum by Day
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