Allowing Comment Firstword as a Group by Field - Possible Purchase?

Issue #698 resolved
Former user created an issue

We have installed it along with Work Calendar and believe we have setup a good system for time sheet capture and management.

The one thing that would make it perfect for us would to be able to have a Group by Field that is the first word of the Comment.

What we would like to do is - record in the first word of the work log - work description/comment field a skill then use the rest of the line as description.

**** We are just about to purchase your plugin and would like to know if there is any possibility of getting this work done now? I believe my company would consider paying for this enhancement if it can be done quickly. Please let me know if this is an option.

Comments (13)

  1. Former user Account Deleted

    Hello, @GS218!

    It seems you wish almost the same as me - to account workhours (as budgets) not only by people and by projects but also by type of spent workhours. It is something like "item of expenses" in financial budget management.

    The optimal solution would be to add on work log form another one field - lookup combobox - in which to choose relevant type of spent workhours. It requires to have possibility to fill a such lookup list in plugin configuration. And to have a new gadget like "Project Pivot" but with possibility to point what to show in rows (project/user/type of spent workhours) and what to show in columns (project/user/type of spent workhours).

  2. Former user Account Deleted

    Hi Vitaly,

    I agree that the optimal solution would be an extra field on the work log ( or even better allow custom field definition on the work log!) - in this way we could lookups etc.

    However, the problem we have found is that Atlassian have not delivered the functionality we need for timesheeting and that we need to use multiple Plugins to get a workable solution. We are using the following plugins: - Automated Log Work for JIRA -- to have a start/stop timer - Work Calendar - for a good timesheet input interface - JIRA Timesheet Reports and Gadgets Plugin - for gadgets and reports

    The drawback with this approach is that if one plugin adds extra datafields we probably won't be able to access the field in other plugins or the base Jira system.

    For example, the Tempo plugin does allow an extra field at the worklog level, but then I'm constrained to the Tempo Interface and I can't get to report on the field in other plugins.

    The optimal solution would be for Atlassian to add an extra field - or even better allow customfields to the work log and then the plugin products utilise the features of the base Jira product. Unfortunately, this has been a long standing request with Atlassian that does not seem to be getting in traction.

    The proposal I'm suggesting is a bit of hack ... but by utilising the existing description/comment field of the base product and allowing selection of the first word for gadget report grouping I believe I can get improved reporting that will be supported across Jira and the plugins. Hopefully, the change in this gadget plugin will be relatively easy to implement and would be a huge benefit for those users that want to find a way of getting improved reporting at the worklog level.

    Cheers Greg

  3. Former user Account Deleted

    Greg, you wrote that additional field in worklog form won't be used in other plugins (Automated work log, Work calendar). If your offered feature will be realized how do you plan to use it with those other plugins?

  4. Former user Account Deleted

    Another thought. I thought about plugin "ictime", it creates its own form for work log with lookup field to point a type of work (like you want). And it allows to prohibit to use default work log form. So probably if to prohibit than other plugins will invoke ictime work log form. It is that what you wish. It is needed to check...

  5. Former user Account Deleted

    Hi Vitaly Thanks for the ictime recommendation I'll definitely have a look at the plugin!

    My thinking for the request to change the Jira Timesheet Gadget to allowing grouping on the first word of the comment/description in the work log is that the comment/description stays the same across Jira and all plugins but in the Jira Timesheet Gadget there will be an extra group by field called comment-firstword. The comment-firstword is just a modified view of the Comment/description field and would only be used in the Jira Gadget for reporting.

    I wonder if the fields being created in ictime will be available in the Jira Gadgets to group by?

    Thank you very much for your thoughts and the suggestions. Hopefully we can find a good solution.

    Cheers Greg

  6. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Greg, Vitally,

    I should admin Timesheet plugin can't know about ictime worklog types (or Tempo, which has similar support for worklog types).

    But comment-firstword fits into plugin scope, I'm planning to add support for it during November.

    Thank you.

  7. Former user Account Deleted

    Hi Andriy

    That's great news - really look forward to using the new feature.

    Thanks Greg

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