Current week is changed on Saturday?

Issue #700 resolved
Former user created an issue

May be it is not a bug but at least strange. Now is Saturday. It means, that current week is going on. And I logged a lot of hours during current week. But in time report green color (that shows current week) shows absence of logging :

Буфер обмена-3.jpg

And all my current week logged hours are shown in previous week.

Comments (10)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Vitaly,

    Weeks are broken usually by reportingDay parameter, passed form gadget. In other case, plugin uses locale specific firstDayOfWeek.

    Could you please check what is the date for current week in your case, when you mouse over Week 43? And do you think your worklogs should be within that period?

    Thank you.

  2. Andriy Zhdanov

    Looks like problem is that it shows only 25-25 Oct, may be because of end date parameter is specified in report? See report title "Summary ... from 1 .. to 25/Oct".

  3. Former user Account Deleted

    No, period is correct:


    And in left up corner there is "Summary for Alexander Adrianov from 01/Oct/15 to 25/Oct/15 [Change] Subscribe · Send Now" - till 25 Oct

  4. Former user Account Deleted

    And, as you can see, a timeframe is week instead of day after clicking to user.

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