Time Sheet Unable to load in Confluence

Issue #703 resolved
Former user created an issue

Time Sheet plugin is unable to load in Confluence , while the timesheet plugin is working fine in JIRA. I am marking it as a blocker , because we have JIRA upgrade release on coming weekend Initial JIRA version- 6.3.12 & Timesheet plugin - Upgraded JIRA version - 6.4.12 & Timesheet plugin -

I am attaching the support zip of JIRA & confluence for reference.

Also add following teammates as cc in this ticket - mmathur3@sapient.com,hagnihotri@sapient.com,dsingh50@sapient.com,gkhan@sapient.com,apandey8@sapient.com,ssharma49@sapient.com

Comments (44)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Ankur,

    Are you trying to add new gadget or existing one is not showing? In the latter case, looks like it needs to be reconfigured. May be you can remove it first, and add again, so gadget configuration will show up.

    Looks like bitbucket does not allow to CC others.

    Thank you.

  2. Former user Account Deleted
    • We are facing this problem while adding a new gadget for users who have a 'sapies' group assigned to them and we have configured this 'sapies' group to all the users.
    • The sapies group has been given Browse Users permission from the Global permissions section of JIRA.
    • Browse Users Permission - Ability to select a user or group from a popup window as well as the ability to use the 'share' issues feature. Users with this permission will also be able to see names of all users and groups in the system.
  3. Andriy Zhdanov

    Could you please check if there any is error in browser javascript console?

    I could not find any relevant error in attached zips.

  4. Andriy Zhdanov

    Does any other gadget that requires configuraiton works well for you in confluence? E.g. Filter Results gadget.

  5. Former user Account Deleted

    all other gadzets are working fine - filter results,column order, created vs resolved etc

  6. Former user Account Deleted version is working fine , but how can it support JIRA - 6.4.12 when it is mentioned as unsupported in marketplace for JIRA - 6.4 version. What are the next steps now.

  7. Former user Account Deleted

    Please let us know whether you will provide us a stable build that will be officially supported JIRA 6.4.12 or some other work around.

  8. Andriy Zhdanov

    I've updated compatibility, but it would be nice to figure out the problem.

    Are you actually using new link to gadget xml when you add it to confluence or it is the same?

  9. Former user Account Deleted

    We are experiencing the same issue. We use Confluence to display gadgets from JIRA to a wider audience.

  10. Andriy Zhdanov

    I have just tried on latest JIRA 7 and Confluence 5.8.15 with plugin version 3.0.2 successfully.

    One issue I had that confluence needs Trusted Applications configured in Outgoing Authentication when linking JIRA and Confluence.

    Also host names needs to correspond to application base url configured in administration.

    Could you please clarify what Confluence version are you using?

  11. Former user Account Deleted

    I've tested on JIRA 6.3.15 and Confluence 5.7.1 and it is working once trusted applications are enabled. We only had OAuth configured which was our error.


  12. Former user Account Deleted

    What do you mean by - Are you actually using new link to gadget xml when you add it to confluence or it is the same ?

  13. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Ankur,

    Have you managed to make it work by? Did enabling trusted applications help?

    Thank you.

  14. Mark Symons

    I have come to this issue from #479. My problem is that gadgets do not work in Confluence at all when using OAuth.

    One extra thing... from comment added above on 2nd November:

    *Also host names needs to correspond to application base url configured in administration. *

    This is a problem because hostname and application base URL have to be different when using Apache with mod_proxy and configuring TWO connectors in Tomcat (in both JIRA and Confluence) such that users get a pretty URL to connect to and Confluence and JIRA communicate directly via IP address and bypass the proxy.

  15. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Mark,

    I'm not sure about base url comment, may be it's not relevant. I've finally found missing piece to make it work with OAuth. Updated version should be available this week.

    Thank you.

  16. Mark Symons

    I am still getting the same error from Timesheet and Pivot... but the Workload Pie Chart is working. When I tested the latter I was presented with a need to confirm authenticate on JIRA - but once that was done all was good.

    This is with plugin v2.9.3.4 on Confluence v5,8.16, connecting to JIRA v6.4.12

  17. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Mark,

    Could you please clarify, after confirming authentication, all gadgets are working or only Worked Time Chart?

    Thank you.

  18. Mark Symons

    I accidentally used "Workload Pie Chart (from Atlassian) and not "Worked Time" chart.

    Thus, all 3 gadgets are still giving the same 401 error with v2.9.3.4 as they did with v2.9.3.3

    Thus, attached screenshot for "Workload Pie" is slightly irrelevant but I am not sure how to remove it! However, it does show you the "Login" button that is presented when the gadget has to retrieve info about groups, filters, etc,

    Sorry about the confusion.

  19. Andriy Zhdanov

    That's strange it does not show the same Login button for other 2 gadgets.

    And what if you Login and approve?

  20. Mark Symons

    That's why I said "sorry for the confusion". It is ALL THREE gadgets that still have the problem. The login button was seen only on the "Workload Pie Chart" gadget which comes from JIRA Charts plugin and which I accidentally tested whilst trying to test JIRA Timesheets gadgets. After I realised the mistake I could not find a way to delete the attached screenshot showing the "Workload Pie" screen... so I edited my comment - but obviously not well enough! =)

  21. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hm, ok, then looks like update did not get well installed. Could you please double check if, e.g. timesheet-gadget.xml has #oauth?

    Just try pasting the link to gadget xml that you're using in browser address bar, and see it there.

  22. Mark Symons

    All is working now, thank to your pointer to check the XML. v2.9.3.4 is now working great.

    The problem ended up being simple... but fiddly to fix. My Confluence test server was originally cloned from a live server. On examining the XML I saw that the URLs were incorrect: the gadget feed was still pointing to the live JIRA server (which is still running plugin v2.9.3.3). Thus, all the right gadgets were being listed in Confluence - but the data was not coming from the right place. Deleting and then re-creating the feed was not enough... I eventually had to restart Confluence and then everything was good.

    The attached screenshot shows the success of Time Sheet and Pivot Chart. The only problem is with some images/icons that are not being rendered correctly.

  23. Reetesh Kumar

    Hi Andriy,

    I am working on this issue now and raising this issue on behalf of Ankur. We have upgraded "JIRA Timesheet Reports and Gadgets" version on our JIRA version 6.4.12 and this issue is still not resolved there. The time sheet gadgets are unable to load in Confluence. We have another observation. We are not able to edit the added time sheet gadget on JIRA dashboard by using drop down option (Screenshot Edit-Not-Working.png).

    Can you please help us to resolve these issues?


    Thanks, Reetesh

  24. Reetesh Kumar

    Hi Andriy,

    We are not facing any error in jira log file during this activity.

    Thanks, Reetesh

  25. Former user Account Deleted

    Hi Andriy,

    We are facing the issue where Confluence will not display the macro. Same symptom as the seen in the !Timesheet_Plugin.png screenshot.

    Jira 6.4.12 Confluence 5.8.13 We are using Trusted Application Links. No OAuth.

    I have tested with multiple versions of this plugin. From version and below are ALL working. From versions and above start having the same issue. I have tested until

    Something was changed on

    I hope this narrows down your search. Thanks!

  26. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Reetesh,

    Could you please try copy pasting filter.json url into new browser tab address bar, and see if you can it be loaded there?

    Thank you.

  27. Reetesh Kumar

    Hi Andriy,

    I tried to access https://qa2.tools.sapient.com/jira/rest/timesheet-gadget/1.0/filter.json?_=1448967483924 and it returns huge data on browser like below:

    {"values":[{"label":"None","value":""},{"label":"'PortRecon_Support' Label Defects","value":"69000"},{"label":"(open) WKTs for EONDE","value":"47282"},{"label":"AEM-All Defects Open KPMG","value":"53339"},{"label":"ALL Open Defects KPMG","value":"48200"},{"label":"All-Ready for Testing KPMG","value":"52430"},{"label":"Carl Welch","value":"66949"},{"label":"CR OPEN KPMG","value":"53937"},{"label":"Created CR Vs Closed Daily-KPMG","value":"53939"},{"label":"*Created

  28. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Reetesh,

    So it looks like it's aborted because of timeout. May be you can reduce number of filters in JIRA?

  29. Reetesh Kumar

    Hi Andriy,

    The issue is resolved with less number of filters in JIRA but this is still not resolved for confluence. The gadget are not loaded on confluence. Also we are currently using jira-timesheet-plugin- plugin on our production environment and we are not facing this issue there neither on confluence nor in JIRA. You have customized the plugin jira-timesheet-plugin- in respect of 'Filter' field on "Configure - Project Pivot Report" and "Configure - Timesheet Report" screens with below changes:. 1. Currently we provide Filter Name rather that Filter ID at this field option. 2. The Inline message is "(Optional) Specify exact filter name to display report on.".

    So my question is that if we change the drop down option for Filter field in "JIRA Timesheet Reports and Gadgets" version to Filter name text field then will this resolve the edit page load issue as it seems filter loading is problematic in JIRA for "JIRA Timesheet Reports and Gadgets" version

    Please suggest to resolve for both JIRA and confluence issue with "JIRA Timesheet Reports and Gadgets" version Thanks, Reetesh

  30. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Reetesh,

    Sorry for delay. Yes, I think it may work, but you won't be able to use Filter option. To make the change, you need to edit timesheet-gadget.xml as follows:

    --- a/timesheet-gadget.xml
    +++ b/timesheet-gadget.xml
    @@ -68,9 +68,6 @@
                             }, {
                                 key: "projects",
                                 ajaxOptions: "/rest/timesheet-gadget/1.0/project.json"
    -                        }, {
    -                            key: "filters",
    -                            ajaxOptions: "/rest/timesheet-gadget/1.0/filter.json"
                         view: {

    Note, you may be don't need to patch plugin jar, but save gadget xml form JIRA to local folder, edit and use it when adding gadget to Confluence.

    Thank you.

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