Can't get email timesheet report about previous day work log

Issue #731 resolved
Former user created an issue

Hello! I want to receive every day at 13:00 an email report about how much work hours on previous day every user logged. But report I got contains 0 work hours though people logged.

See screen:

Буфер обмена-1.jpg

And another problem - when I configure subscriptions I point to group by Worked user, but this grouping does not work - see:


Comments (6)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Vitaly,

    The problem is that subscription got wrong Number of Weeks: 0. I believe I've fixed this in some recent update. Could you please try on latest plugin version

    Note, you will need to Unsubscribe and Subscribe again. The easiest way is to click Change link in Preview, but do not change anything, execute the report and see Unsubscribe link.

    Thank you.

  2. Former user Account Deleted

    I v updated plugin. Now problem appears so: I create right report:

    Буфер обмена-1.jpg

    next I click Subscribe and click Send . Email report that I get contains other dates:

    Буфер обмена-2.jpg

  3. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Vitaly,

    Yes, this is unfortunately as designed, Email shows by complete weeks only, like gadget. Though there is a workaround in issue#517

    Thank you.

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