All critical timelog operations (add, delete, change) should be possible directly inside Timesheet gadget

Issue #739 resolved
Former user created an issue

At the beginning only adding logtime for the first time was possible via a small popup directly inside the gadget. Then, thanks to, adding further logtimes became possible. Unfortunately not all crucial operations are possible in this comfortable way. Hence...

  • Adding timelogs is supported quite well right now - although the "Worklog type" from the detailed page, you get redirected to after clicking "more options", might prove helpful inside the small popup as well.
  • Deleting timelogs is not possible in this fast manner - the user get's redirected to a separate/detailed page.
  • Changing timelogs is not possible as well - the user get's redirected to a separate/detailed page as well

In all 3 cases a commit/cancel on the detaild/separate page redirects the User to the ticket-detail view, not again to the dashboard/gadget - a second drawback! But in the first place it would be great, if all crucial operations could be made in such a small popup without leaving the gadget.

A "more options" link might still lead to the separate/detailed page - of cource the most perfect solution would be to put all information inside this small popup, so detaild options would become completely obsolete!

Comments (24)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Sebastian,

    I will check what's wrong with returning from worklog detail to dashboard. It used to work.

    However, other (more important) things are not likely to change:

    1) Worklog Type must be extension by some other add-on. So, I intentionally provide JIRA default Worklog Dialog, to make it possible.

    2) Delete Worklog Dialog serves as Confirmation additionally, and it can also be extended by other plugins.

    3) Edit Worklog Dialog might be extended by other plugins.

    Thank you.

  2. Former user Account Deleted

    Hi Andriy - my main intention was not the addition of new fields like "worklog type". This is a rather "nice to have" detail, but not very critical. Besides I understand that you might not have access to additional fields defined in other plugins.

    What I'm aiming at is making the present Timesheet Plugin (the Timesheet gadget) as effective and usable as possible. That's the main concern of this request.

    I'm asking myself: "what is this plugin for?" My answer/understanding is: the Timesheet Gadget wants to make timelogging as easy and comfortable as possible. Best overview. Best usability. No clicking through 10 different dialogs, no switching of web-pages. Everything concentrated at one single place = inside the gadget.

    Please remember: the first step is already done: you can already add new timelogs very, very fast and easy. If you don't need additional information, you can just use this simple little popup - no clicking, no switching, no reloading, no redirecting - perfect! I don't see a reason, why this shouldn't be possible for changing and deleting entries. No confirmation? Who cares - we are not stopping a nuclear power plant... it's just deleting/changing a timelog entry ;-) In THIS case it's not about security. It's not about preventing false user behavior. It's all about a fast and comfortable use!

    Please reconsider my proposal once again. It would be a really usefull enhancement.


  3. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Sebastian,

    I understand your point, but should admit that plugin main purpose is to show timetracking data. As you have pointed support for critical operations was added. And I agree that it would be nice improvement, but I don't think it's appropriate, as I've mentioned.

    However Time Reports add-on has it a bit better, it uses dialogs instead of redirecting. But I've just realised its JIRA Server edition does not have gadget yet. Please let me know if you'd be interested in it.

    I'd like to make worklog operations as dialogs instead of separate pages in Timesheet Plugin too, but it's problematic. It implies replicating JIRA standard workog dialogs, but the trick described there is rather a hack, and uses deprecated Dialog component. So it's waste of efforts. It's not possible to do the same with Dialog2 component or dialog with content from the server, as described here.

    May be you could use some other plugin specifically designed for easy time logging.

    Also could you please clarify when it does not return to dashboard? I've checked all cases and could not see the problem.

    Thank you.

  4. Former user Account Deleted

    Hi Andriy, thanks for your feedback. Hmmm... sounds not good :-/

    1. I didn't know the Timesheet plugin was just for showing the timesheet data. Especially since there is an integrated way (mini popup/dialog) for entering new timelog data. You know, from a user perspecitve adding a delete and change option looks very easy, like: "What's the problem? Why not make it just the way it was made for adding timelog data?".
    2. You need to know that tracking worktime ist not a very popular task (at least not in our company). We used a different system once but were forced to swich to JIRA. That's why I'm investing so much time in this issue - I want to make the user experience for all our people doing timetracking with JIRA as smooth, fast and easy as possible. Maybe there are other plugins for easy timetracking - I will take a look around. But right now your Timeshhet Plugin is the best option we have.
    3. You're writing about dialogs beeing a hack, using deprecated components - do I understand you correctly: the way timelog data can bee added right now, inside this little mini popup/dialog, uses already this deprecated methods/classes?
    4. For a better overview which cases redirect to the ticket instead of the dashboard see picture attached.timesheet.png
  5. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Sebastian,

    1) Well, right, I can add similar popup for default options when deleting worklog, will take care of it.

    2) I understand, but you know it's tough issue. I can recomment Worklog Assistant plugin.

    3) No. I though of creating the same dialog like the one shown when you log work done from issue. It actually shows the page used in gadget, but in dialog.

    4) Could you please check what does the returnUrl parameter has in the browser address bar? It should be /secure/Dashboard.jspa

    Thank you.

  6. Former user Account Deleted

    Concerning 1 (2/3):

    *HUH???? Andriy, that is all that I was asking for. EDIT and DELETE inside this little popup. Nothing more!!!!!* Please, nooooo dialogs!!! Did we have a huge misunderstanding?

    Concerning 4:



    So YES, ist always /secure/Dashboard.jspa - but in case of ADD/CHANGE it's unfortunately doesn't seem to work :-(

  7. Andriy Zhdanov

    1) Looks so, I've been thinking of the same solution for both supporting Worklog Type and other fields in Log Work dialog and Delete Work dialog.

    4) Basing on the fact that you have Worklog Type in Log Work dialog, I suspect that you have it provided by some other plugin, e.g. Tempo, and it ignores returnUrl parameter. Could this be the case?

  8. Former user Account Deleted

    1) *LOL No, please no extra dialogs! All I always had in mind was this little popup. Yes, it would be great to have additional information like "worklog type" - but again, when I mentioned this I was only thinking about the small overlay-popup*!! Even if you can't add "worklog type" - CHANGE and DELETE would be great. In both cases you could add a "more options" link like it's present when ADDING new time. So a user can switch to the original, full-blown page with all options, if he wants/needs to. But in 99% of all cases he can CHANGE/DELETE super-fast with just 1 or 2 clicks inside this popup.

    4) I guess, it's the only possibility. I don't know where "worklog type" is coming from. We've "Minyaa JIRA Plugin for Time Management" installed as well as some other stuff from Minyaa. I guess, we will not solve this point :-(

  9. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Sebastian,

    Ok, I will try to add similar popups to edit and delete worklog. And regarding redirect, try talking to Minyaa about supporting returnUrl parameter.

    Thank you.

  10. Former user Account Deleted

    Great, Andriy! Thank you for this christmas gift ;-) I'm wishing you merry christmas and of course a happy new year!

  11. Former user Account Deleted

    Hi Andriy - very cool! Made a few tests... seems to work perfectly. Forwarded the news to our teams. Thank you once again!!

  12. Former user Account Deleted

    Hi Andriy - we are currently testing JIRA 7 because we want to upgrade soon. Unfortunately I had to realize that the features covered in this Ticket don't seem to work in JIRA 7 using JIRA Timesheet Reports and Gadgets Plugin v 3.0.4 :-(

    Can you help us out? Should I create a seperate bug Ticket for this?

  13. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Sebastian,

    No need for new ticket, new update for JIRA7 is on the way, so everything should be there, just need to finalize the release, hopefully next week.

    Thank you.

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