it misses users from group in a timesheet gadget

Issue #749 resolved
Former user created an issue


I set a timesheet gadget with a user group filter. The result is that not all user are displayed. It is the same problem for Pivot gadget.

This problem appears after installing last Jira software version and updating your plugin.

First example : I added two new ldap users to a group. The existing gadget which filtered on this group only displayed users already in the group. After one day, it displayed old users and one of the new and two days later all the user.

Second example : For a second group, only one of 5 users is displayed the first day, the day after, another one user is displayed but it still missing 3 users.

Please help me, it is really blocking for me.

Comments (6)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Fanch,

    It normally displays only users that have work logged during the displayed period.

    Do you mean next day in real life? So that displayed period is changed, or no more work is logged?

    May be you could provide few screenshots.

    Thank you.

  2. Former user Account Deleted


    Thank you for your quick answer. Indeed, it works as you described. I have the impression that this behavior change with the new version, could you confirm me that?

    Best regards,

  3. Andriy Zhdanov

    I believe it was not changed. Though in 2.9.3 (or 3.0.2) Option to show Empty Rows was added, which allows to see all users, with or without work logged.

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