The new Time Reports for Jira Cloud is not a replacement for the old Timesheet Reports and Gadgets

Issue #752 resolved
Ronald Vallenduuk created an issue

There is so much wrong with the new version I don't have time to create individual tickets. The bottom line is: this new add-on is incomplete, rough, buggy. It's not fit for release, nevermind good enough to expect people to pay for it as a replacement for the free version.

Compared to the current, free version the new one is missing filters: - Exclude Groups - Role - Priority - Show Weekends - Show details - Month View The filters that are there don't work properly. The group filter overrides the user filter. You can't clear the user filter. When you click a name in the report it shows that name as a filter but it still shows everyone in the group.

The report view is a mess. - Horizontal scrollbar is at the bottom of the report, not the screen. That means for a big report you need to scroll down, across and back up again. - No longer shows project name - No longer shows issue summary - Time entries are no longer links - Summary at the top is gone

The Excel export has issues: - Shows project code instead of project name - Time spent in hours is replaced by a formatted string and time spent in seconds. That's lazy. Yes, Jira stores those times as seconds but who is interested in seconds for a report?

The timesheet gadget is slow. The old one took a second to refresh after entering a time, the new one takes nearly 10 seconds. Painful if you want to do multiple entries. I'm not sure what the TimeTracker gadget is meant to show - it doesn't load. The Pivot by Status gadget says it's a summary for me but it's showing other users' entries.

Maybe in a few months time, when this thing has matured a bit, we'll consider paying. For now, if the free version is switched off at the end of the month and this is your only replacement I'll be looking at other timesheet options.

Comments (3)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Ronald,

    Thank you for compiling the list of drawbacks, it might be useful for others looking into it also. To be clear, this how it is, and of course it will evolve, but still not everything can be done or will be the same.

    Regarding missing filters.

    • There are Show details and Month View switches in view itself in slider.

    • The same as in Timesheet Reports and Gadgets add-on, the Group filter takes precedence, and User option is ignored then. Link by name should be fixed soon, though.

    • Support for Exclude Groups is likely to be added soon.

    • But support for Role and Priority are less likely to be added soon, but still might happen some day.

    Project name in excel export should be added soon, but time spent is shown in seconds in purpose to avoid decimals separator problem experienced in Timesheet Reports and Gadgets add-on.

    A mess with scrollbar is top priority and logging time in gadget performance also, please watch issue#744 for the latter.

    Thank you.

  2. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Ronald,

    Blocking issues, i.e. mess with scrollbar, logging time in gadget performance, links by user name to single user timesheet and project name in excel are fixed.

    Please feel free to create separate issue(s) for other features like Exclude Groups or Role, or anything else.

    Thank you.

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