Work logs don't save with proper timezone setting

Issue #753 resolved
Kamil created an issue

I have Warsaw timezone set in my account settings and our company works in Auckland timezone. I add work log and than I try to view it. It has Date Started set to -12 hours to what I set. When I try to edit work log I can see the time I entered.

Comments (5)

  1. Kamil Account Deactivated reporter

    Hello Andriy,

    I don't think that the page you send me descibes my problem. You can take a look at screencast I made to show my problem.

    1. I am on an issue page.
    2. When I click "More -> Log work" I can see modal with "Date Started" time not in my timezone (not my current time)
    3. I change the time to my current time
    4. I click "Log"
    5. I change issue tab to "All" I see logged work not in my timezone (not the time I logged)
    6. When I click edit on this log I can see the time I logged

    That means that: 1. I see my logs in different timezones on the list and different when I try to edit them 2. When I try to add work log default "Date started" is not in my current time

  2. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Kamil,

    The issue page is provided by JIRA itself, and not by add-on. However, I believe the problem is that you have wrong time zone set in your User Profile.

    Thank you.

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