Excel export ignores project filter

Issue #756 resolved
Ronald Vallenduuk created an issue

Configured a report with start date, end date, group and project. Report shows on screen. Click Excel export button. Exported Excel ignores the selected project and includes all projects. This makes the export useless because I'm going to have to manually edit out all the lines I don't need.

The Excel export icon is ridiculously small by the way.

Comments (16)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Ronald,

    Could you please clarify if you've had this problem recently? Because I think I've fixed it a week before.

    If you still have this problem, could you please provide screen shot of report screen before clicking Excel icon?

    Also does clicking Refresh in left menu pane fixes it? So that Excel is produced with correct project only after clicking refresh.

    Thank you.

  2. Ronald Vallenduuk reporter

    This problem happened today. I just tried again, same report settings and got an excel sheet with fewer rows than last time but still some from another project. Then hit refresh and exported again and this time I only got records from the selected project. The sum in the Timespent column does not match the total at the bottom of the report on screen so there's still somthing not right. I've said it before, this new time report plugin is not production ready and is not yet a replacement for the old version.

  3. Andriy Zhdanov

    Well, looks I did not apply fix as I've thought a week ago, but now it should be there. Could you please check it it is still the problem?

    Thank you.

  4. Ronald Vallenduuk reporter

    The project filter now seems to work. Filters still have issues but this particular ticket can be closed.

  5. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Ronald,

    Great. Thank you for checking. And do you mean that exported excel has different number of hours than you see in html report? If so, could you please somehow determine what is the difference? Does it have hours from other users or dates?

    Thank you.

  6. Ronald Vallenduuk reporter

    I'm afraid it's still not fixed. The first report was fine, but when I tried again just now the export was completely different again from what's on screen. Only after clicking Refresh and exporting again did I get the correct export. Obviously having to click Refresh for every report is not a solution.

  7. Ronald Vallenduuk reporter

    A week on and the issue still remains. Yesterday I still needed to hit refresh after changing filters to stop export from adding lots of unwanted records into the html export.

  8. Ronald Vallenduuk reporter

    I haven't seen it since you've introduced the View Report button but I can't say I've done any rigorous testing. I guess you can close this one. I can always reopen if it happens again.

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