Week starts on Sunday

Issue #762 resolved
Kane McConnell created an issue

The new Time Reports gadget and reports don't seem to have any configurable options to set the start of the week. In every sense of our company, our week runs Sun through Sat. The widgets and reports currently only run Monday through Sunday. So we get inaccurate time sheet totals since Sunday is the start of a new week; not the end of the current week.

We either need the ability to set dates in the gadget or choose which day the week begins on. Until then, the gadget is pretty useless to us and makes it more cumbersome to track employee time by having to go to the full report and manually edit the dates to match our week structure.

This is true for most US-based calendars.

Comments (7)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Kane,

    Time Reports add-on uses browser locale settings, so is it possible that you're not in US somehow?

    Thank you.

  2. Kane McConnell reporter

    Uh, definitely in the US. Also just verified my browser locale in our own system, which reflects that my browser is picking up en-US. Also attaching the OS X locale settings.

    Screen Shot 2016-02-15 at 2.09.59 PM.png

    Screen Shot 2016-02-15 at 2.12.40 PM.png

    Crossed-checked in Chrome as well (default Safari). Same effect.

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