Reporting day on new JIRA cloud timesheet

Issue #767 resolved
Sean Brewington created an issue

old reporting day.PNG

Trying to switch to the new JIRA timesheet addon on JIRA cloud. In the old version you could set the reporting day as indicated in the screenshot. In the new version there is no place I could find to set the reporting day to monday.

Comments (10)

  1. Former user Account Deleted

    @essbeemdz With Jira Cloud, you should be able to go to settings > Look & Feel > Date & Time Formats > Use ISO8601 standard in Date Picker > yes. This should change the start of the week for you to a Monday. This doesn't help me though because I need the reporting day to be a Saturday.

    Also, on my Mac under languages and text > Region > Date, I've changed the first day of the week to a Saturday but this doesn't have any effect for Jira Cloud.

    What kind of ETA are we looking at here? If this feature isn't added in 3-4 weeks we may look to switch to the server install of Jira. Having the reporting Day a Saturday is an important feature for us.

  2. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Andrew, Sean,

    Am I right thinking that the missing Reporting Day parameter is solely thought as replacement for locale specific First Day of Week?

    In other words, Andrew, is Saturday first day of week in your country?

    If so, I've asked Atlassian to meet my expectations that browser locale settings are passed to add-on in ACJIRA-840, it would fix the problem, because now add-ons uses localised first day of week.

    Thank you.

  3. Sean Brewington reporter


    Thanks for the suggestion, but it is still showing as Sunday.

    Andriy, We are using it to report on our businesses pay cycle, which should be the same no matter what browser setting, or locale they are viewing from.

    Setting it per gadget like before I think would be ideal (with blank = use locale), then it could cover all use cases. Otherwise if we could set reporting day somewhere so that it globally applies to all use of the gadget, that would meet our needs. The only example I can think of when that wouldn't work, is if we expanded to another office in a different country that had a different pay cycle with a different reporting day. We could always get another JIRA instance in that case though.


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