Work log incorrect

Issue #769 resolved
IT Admin created an issue

Some of the reports do not produce consistent reports. Running a report for a period of 2 weeks produces a different result then running the same report for each week separately. Running weeks individually always produces more hours hence suggesting a query limitation

Comments (9)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Damian,

    Could you please provide more details what is the difference between 2 weeks and 1 week? May be provide screen shot.

    In what case there are more hours? Is it more issues or just different number for the same issues?

    It may be that there are different periods, e.g. starting on Monday, instead of Sunday.

    Also you may switch on Sum by Week in slider and see the numbers are the same.

    Thank you.

  2. IT Admin reporter


    I can provide data but I will not do this publicly as it’s not for public consumptions. The two main issues around summary of times are:

    Running report for period 1 Feb to 21 Feb gives 642.29 hours Running report for 1 Feb to 10 Feb gives 19.25 hours Running report for 11 Feb to 21 Feb gives 3.5 hours

    Running report for 1 Feb to 21 Feb and grouping it by project gives 641.29 hours (1 hour is gone)

    Also the filter for report doesn’t work, clicking on the x against a filter item doesn’t remove the filter from the query but removes it from the left-hand panel (i.e. user or user group)

    I can provide screenshots but only directly not via issue tracker.

    Thanks, Damian

  3. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Damian,

    Could you please let me if the problem with different number of hours still persists?

    Also note, it should now be possible to remove both Project/Filter options and User, that were previously not removable.

    Thank you.

  4. IT Admin reporter


    The numbers are now all adding up. This is for both short date selections vs broader selection as well as various grouping scenarios.

    Thanks for the update, Damian

  5. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Damian,

    Great, thank you for checking!

    Although, I'm not sure what could have fixed it, so please be aware that it may have not been fixed actually.

    Thank you.

  6. IT Admin reporter


    I think there's been some other bugs being fixed, specifically around handling of dates and date formats. Looks like this was related and therefore also fixed by those adjustments.

    Thanks again Damian

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