Error rendering gadget in Pie Chart mode

Issue #777 resolved
Ignacio Pulgar Martín created an issue

Error: Invalid dimensions for plot, width = 758, height = 0 at Canvas.resize (jquery.flot.min.js:1) at new Canvas (jquery.flot.min.js:1) at setupCanvases (jquery.flot.min.js:1) at new Plot (jquery.flot.min.js:1) at Function.$.plot (jquery.flot.min.js:2) at Object.fn (app.js?_=57:9) at m.$digest (angular.js:14389) at angular.js:14586 at e (angular.js:4940) at angular.js:5328

Comments (4)

  1. Ignacio Pulgar Martín reporter

    Hi Andriy,

    I'm afraid it has not been solved.

    Well, now the error is not being displayed, but the gadget doesn't display what it should:


    Besides this, there appear a couple of warnings:

    batch.js?atlassian.aui.raphael.disabled=true&locale=en-US:213 DEPRECATED - Dropdown constructor has been deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Use Dropdown2 instead.
    at Object.exports.bindConfigDashboardDds (…/_super/batch.js?atlassian.aui.raphael.disabled=true&locale=en-US:3002:545) batch.js?atlassian.aui.raphael.disabled=true&locale=en-US:213 DEPRECATED - Inline dialog constructor has been deprecated and will be removed in a future release. Use inline dialog 2 instead.
    at f.extend._initDialog (…_7=true&tempo_teams_is_jira_version_equal_or_greater_than_7=true:1851:3142)

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