Order of status columns

Issue #779 resolved
Ignacio Pulgar Martín created an issue

The report 'Pivot by Statuses' displays the statuses ordered alphabetically.

It would be good to be able to manually change the order in which the statuses are displayed, as they tend to have kind-of a chronological order (ie: New, In progress, In review, Closed)

Comments (12)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Ignacio,

    Status columns should be sorted now, but only standard statuses are ordered, please let me know if this is an issue.

    Thank you.

  2. Ignacio Pulgar Martín reporter

    Hi Andriy,

    As I use more than just the built-in statuses, this change is not enough in our case. Having the status columns in the correct order is not crucial for us, but it's more 'readable' if they are presented ordered.

    Maybe, an automatic approach for ordering the statuses might be achieved basing it on their statusCategory, which can just be 'To Do', 'In Progress' and 'Done'.

    While all new statuses are required to belong to one of these three categories, there can be statuses with an empty statusCategory as a result of importing workflows with statuses not already existing in the target instance.

    So, a useful approach for ordering can be based on splitting the query 'Projects AND Filters' into 4 JQL subqueries:

    1. ...AND statusCategory = 'To Do'

    2. ...AND statusCategory = 'In Progress'

    3. ...AND statusCategory = 'Done'

    4. ...AND statusCategory not in ('To Do', 'In Progress', 'Done')

    There might exist another approach based on the order of transitions, as per the opsbar-sequence transition property. If this can be done, admins can configure the transitions to appear in the order they want on JIRA, and have that setting reflected on 'Time Reports > Pivot by statuses' accordingly, which would make it a much better user friendly way of presenting the same data.

  3. Ignacio Pulgar Martín reporter

    Better than transition properties, it would be great to use a status property instead for this.

  4. Ignacio Pulgar Martín reporter

    Anyway, I'd leave this feature request for now, as there are much more important existing feature requests, like #743.

  5. Andriy Zhdanov
    • changed status to open

    Hi Ignacio,

    Ok, thank you for feedback, I'll try to improve it. I agree it's not that timportant, and just would like to let you know issue#743 is almost ready!

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