Time sheet report for all users/groups

Issue #786 resolved
Milijan Gacanovic created an issue

There should be an option to show report for everyone who logged time in selected period

Comments (6)

  1. Ronald Vallenduuk

    This is a terrible feature. Typical knee-jerk bug fix without worrying about design or wider implications. What you have now is a checkbox 'All Users' that sits between the User and Group selections, and that overrides both of them. If you check 'All Users' then it doesn't matter if you select a user or a group, those fields are ignored.

    If you want a report on all users, why not just select the group 'users' that every active user is a member of?

  2. Andriy Zhdanov

    In Timesheet Reports and Gadgets add-on, there is Any Group for similar case, when one may want to include inactive users.

    It's placed under the User option, because I plan to make it multi-select, so that one can list users, chose All users, or narrow down with groups.

    All three options are interconnected, so that if All Users enabled, User and Group options are cleared. And vice verse. If you find anything not working, please feel free to let me know.

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