Duplicate Entries in Download from Time Report

Issue #789 resolved
Gary Meehan created an issue

Did a Timesheet Report in the new add-on, filtering for one project, one group. The Start Date was in 2015 (Oct 26, 2015) and the end date was in 2016 (Jan 31, 2016). The hours total on the web page was correct, but the download had many entries duplicated. (Not all, but many). See attached file, (which was converted to .xls to open it, then saved as a .xlsx). I then ran a report Oct 26-Dec 31, 2015 and another Jan 1-31, 2016 and they were both fine. Is the cause of the problem that I ran the report into another year?

Thanks, Gary Meehan, 2Paths Solutions Ltd.

Comments (8)

  1. Gary Meehan Account Deactivated reporter

    Still getting this duplication problem today. I'm running the report using Safari on a Mac. (I'd prefer to use Chrome, but as of about a week ago I can't successfully download the "excel" file. Chrome doesn't recognize it and I can't save the file. It says it looks like an Office file but it isn't and can't support it. When I try to download it anyway, it defaults to this as a name: "vnd.ms-excel;charset=utf-8;filename=exportData" and when I rename it it won't let me save it.)

  2. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Gary,

    Sorry for delay, I still can not reproduce the duplication entries problem, so let's try to figure it out together.

    1. Could you please clarify if the issue happens in shorter period? Like, default for one current week.

    2. What are all the options in this case? And does it happen in any case? E.g. Sum SubTasks, Group By Field, Report type and Filter or Project may influence it.

    3. Did you reorder entries in the attaches xlsx? Can you please attach the file as it is downloaded, for the simplest case, if possible?

    Thank you.

  3. Gary Meehan Account Deactivated reporter

    Hi Andriy, thanks for the response.

    Re #1: When I was able to duplicate the problem (creating a report with duplicate records) it was for a 1 week period (Feb 22-28) Re #2: I've attached a screenshot of the settings I had, which include Sum Subtasks on, Group by Project, Hide Details, Report type: TImesheet. Re #3: No I didn't reorder them, I just did some advanced filtering and summing in the extra right hand columns.

    With that all said....I have tried to duplicate this problem (creating report with duplicates), but cannot! I have tried running it the same way and didn't get duplicates. I tried unchecking the Sum Subtasks, that was still ok. Did you make any changes to the code in the last few hours?

    About my different problems with Chrome...should I create a new ticket?


  4. Gary Meehan Account Deactivated reporter

    Here's the attachment. If it's not coming through properly, I can email it to you if you like. Time Reports settings w-duplications (Safari).png

  5. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Gary,

    Great, thank you for checking. I think the change not to load report on every single option change may have fixed it. Now you need to click View Report when you're done, so it eliminates concurrent loading, that may have caused the problem most likely.

    Regarding downloading problems, it appears not all browsers support it properly, may be you just need to update your Chrome.

    Thank you.

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