Gadget, group by account and show current user

Issue #793 resolved
Mats Holmblad created an issue

Today we are using the Time Sheet gadget that will expire on 31 March (previous 18 February).

This works excellent as a base for reporting in our economy system.

We need to be able to show a week per active user and grouped by Account.

The new Time report gadget are lacking some of the settings that the old has. For us most importantly the option to show current logged in user (not a specific) and to group times by Account.

See attached screen dump.

I'm hoping these settings are coming back before the old gadget is removed?

Thanks in advance and best regards,


Comments (22)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Mats,

    New gadget already has the Group By option, does it work?

    Note, you may need to click Hide Details additionally, in the middle of the time frame slider.

    Thank you.

  2. Mats Holmblad reporter

    Hi Andriy and thanks for the quick reply.

    Hide Details fixed the long list. Thanks!

    Yes the new gadget has the Group By option.

    We are not using the deafult Tempo Account but a Tempo Account Custom field that we named "Account".

    The old gadget can group by a this custom tempo account field, The new can not. When choosing Group by in the new gadget this field is not shown.

  3. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Mats,

    Ok, it's almost clear. Could you please open the url like https://<YOUR COMPANY> in your browser, and see what does the field look like, it should be something like:

      "id": "customfield_10100",
      "name": "Account",
      "custom": true,
      "orderable": true,
      "navigable": true,
      "searchable": true,
      "clauseNames": [
      "schema": {
        "type": "string",
        "custom": "com.atlassian.jira.plugin.system.customfieldtypes:select",
        "customId": 10100

    Thank you

  4. Mats Holmblad reporter

    Hi again Andriy,

    I just sent you the file as a message direct to you. Hope that's ok.



  5. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Mats,

    Thank you, here is relevant part, I believe it's fine to have it here:

      "id": "customfield_12400",
      " name": "A ccount",
      "custom": true,
      "orderable": true,
      "navigable": true,
      "searchable": true,
      "clauseNames": [
      "schema": {
        "type": "account",
        "custom": "com.tempoplugin.tempo-accounts:accounts.customfield",
        "customId": 12400

    I will try to add it soon.

  6. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Mats,

    I've just added this field, could you please check if it works as expected?

    Thank you.

  7. Mats Holmblad reporter

    Thanks Andriya. Works much better.

    The only things missing now is to show the account ID/key in parantheses after the account name. See screen dump.

    Also to be able to choose the active user. In the old gadget by choosing no user the gadget showed data for the logged in user. In the new gadget you have to choose a user. Then the same dashboard can't be used by several users.

    Jira Timesheet Gadget account ID.jpg

  8. Andriy Zhdanov

    Well, unfortunately new plugin can not call Tempo renderer for field html, as old plugin did, so I can't do anything about it.

    But regarding gadget user, you should not have specified User, leaving it empty would show data for currently logged in user. However it's not possible to unselect it, so you need to remove gadget and add new one again.

    Thank you.

  9. Mats Holmblad reporter

    To bad about the id/key but we'll find a workaround.

    Regarding the user. It's not possible to not specify a user. Even if I remove the gadget and add it again my user is chosen by defaul. And as you say I cannot unselect it.

    Can this be fixed? If not the gadget is only useful to one user and we won't be able to use it.

  10. Andriy Zhdanov

    I think it's just shown in gadget configuration, so if you don't touch User option and click save, it should show data for currently logged in user, isn't it?

  11. Mats Holmblad reporter

    I'm afraid not. After first removing the gadget. Then adding it again. Choosing to Edit the gadget this attached screen is shown. My user is already chosen and cannot be unselected. Jira Timesheet Gadget config.jpg

  12. Andriy Zhdanov

    But if you click Save, and different user is looking at dashboard, it should show his or her data.

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