Maximum number of weeks does not execute correctly

Issue #803 resolved
Tim Berthouil created an issue

I changed the number of days in admin in the Maximum Period Limit to 365 days. Still, the gadget will not execute with 52 weeks (or even smaller) and continuous to return the message "Specified number of weeks is too big, maximum allowed number is 52. Configure."

Comments (14)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Geert,

    Is it possible that you are looking at Month view? In this case the Number of weeks/months option is considered as number of months, so 52 months is more than 365 days.

    You can switch week/month view in the gadget view mode, using wk/mo switch is the middle of the period slider.

    Thank you.

  2. Tim Berthouil reporter

    Hi Andriy,

    Thank you for your swift reply. I probably was. Is there any way I could look at my chart containing the period e.g. 1 Feb 2015 to Jan 31 Jan 2016, in other words, a full year? Have not yet figured out how to config this.

    Thanks again.

  3. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Geert,

    It should be possible using month view, but setting Number of Weeks/Months to 12.

    Thank you.

  4. Tim Berthouil reporter

    I set the number to 12, but I can only see one month at the time.

    Is there any way that the pie chart could shows the full year (12 months)?

  5. Andriy Zhdanov

    Please try to write just 12 instead of 12 months.

    Note, you need to set Maximum Period Limit (days) to 367 also, because of leap year, and +1 one day because of condition used in the code for this case.

  6. Andriy Zhdanov

    Great, glad it works!

    Note, I will add fix so that 366 would work for a year, and try to add validation for 12 months.

  7. Tim Berthouil reporter

    A follow-up question. Is there anything I need to do to see the gadgets appear in Confluence? I am trying to integrate the graph into a page, but cannot find the macro.

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