E-mail not generated correctly without dates

Issue #804 resolved
Hilmar Bunjes created an issue

When we generate report and send them directly with "Send Email" on top of the report the time period is not taken correctly.

Reproduce: - Create report over all projects and users without entering start/end date - The report shows the last 7 days including today - that's ok - Now click "Send Email" - The report sent has a time period of 7 days with the last day being the first day of the current period. - Example: Today is Mar 7, the period shown is Mar 1-7. The Email sent has a time period of Feb 24 - Mar 1.

The same seems to happen for the Email subscription.

Comments (8)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Hilmar,

    I believe it was fixed recently, and can not reproduce it on latest version, could you please check if you're using and update if not?

    Thank you.

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