Different reporting day values, changes what weeks work are reported under.

Issue #806 on hold
Anders Kreinøe created an issue

See the attached screen shot. The only difference on the two time sheets, is that the upper is configured with a reporting day of Saturday, and in the lower, the reporting day is empty.

As far as I can see, the upper with Saturday is showing the correct data. A conclude this, as the majority of Kasper Frederiksens 55,58 hours work, is loggeg 05/Feb/16 15:48, and that is week number 5 according to ISO 8601. I have already told Jira that i will use ISO 8601 for date pickers, so I would guess that this plugin would detect that setting and use that.

The lower timesheet is showing it a week wrong. Setting reporting day to something like Wednesday make yet another result.

I am using Time Reports for JIRA Cloud 1.1.5-AC

Comments (5)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Anders,

    Time Reports add-on does not have access to Use ISO 8601 setting, so can't honor it. Additionally it is impossible to know Browser locale too. So it only relies to locale you have in User Profile.

    However I have already asked Atlassian for better support for user locale in ACJIRA-840 and just created ACJIRa-840 for Use ISO 8601 option specifically.

    So, currently Week Number is shown according to JIRA locale in User Profile, most likely it's en_US.

    And it looks like reporting day is used to break period by weeks.

    Thus in upper gadget (with Reporting Day: Saturday), I think it takes hours for the period from 30th of January to 5th of February (form Saturday to Friday), but they get into into week #5, because it is summed up into 30th of January, and it is 5th week in US.

    And in lower, it takes corresponding hours from 31th of January to 6th of February (from Sunday to Saturday), and this is week #6.

    To double check, you can mouse over dates header and see week days are in Week 5/6 in both cases.

    So, looks like to make it correct, add-on should honor Use ISO 8601 setting, so that week would start from Monday, and 5th of February would be in 5th Week.

    If you agree, please vote/comment on ACJIRA-882.

    Thank you.

  2. Anders Kreinøe reporter

    Thanks for the response. I agree that the correct solution would be to honor the Use ISO 8601 setting. I have added my vote to ACJIRA-882.

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