Time Report Gadget Bugs and Missing Features

Issue #828 closed
Hamilton Colyer-Long created an issue

I'm going through the process of updating the 30+ dashboards in my JIRA OnDemand instance and have found some bugs and features that don't work as I expect in the Time Report Gadget. Apologies but I'm going to just raise them all in a single thread and you can split as required.

  • The month view does not always show a full month. If you go to month view and then click the icon to go to the current month, then when you scroll backwards you always get the correct number of days in the month. However, if you switch to week view in a month that has 31 days and then click back to month view, then the month now only shows data for 30 days. You can fix the problem by going to the current month and scrolling back again - but this is obviously not ideal and is clearly a bug.

  • Clicking the icon to open the Time Report does not open the report with the same parameters that are being used in the gadget, but instead uses the last parameters that were used in the report. This means you need to re-enter all the parameters used in the gadget, and is particularly annoying when considered in conjunction with the point below

  • The gadget does not show issue summary (despite the screen shot in the marketplace showing that it does). The old gadget showed the issue summary but the new one shows the worklog description instead. I assume there was an intentional decision to make this change but this means I that I can no longer easily generate a summary of time spent per issue in a format that makes sense to a customer for instance. Adding a 'summary' field to the gadget is not viable either. In summary view you get an empty column when you group by worked user (as I always do) and even in the details view you get a very wide column for the worklog and just a couple of centimetres for the issue summary regardless of how wide you make the page. If it is important to other people that the work detail should be shown then I'd want a button to toggle between work detail and issue summary, otherwise for me personally I'd much rather show the summary.

  • The gadget defaults to showing the detail view. I do like the fact that you can now click a button to toggle between summary and detail view, this is much nicer than the old gadget that required me to have two gadgets on a lot of our dashboards with one showing the summary and the other showing the detail view. However, because the gadget shows the detail view by default it is very slow to load. On my system I can change the display to show the summary but this is an independent setting per user and I can't do anything to change the view for other people. I think you need to either change the default view to be the summary, or to add a setting that allows the administrator to set the default view. This one may seem a little petty but the slow load times with the new gadget means that some gadgets are ridiculously slow to load when you're loading details of every issue. Some of my dashboards show summaries of work done per project by all our teams, or by all developers in an office, and this is a lot of data when you have 40-50 devs.

  • The gadget only recognises filters that are favourites. The old gadget did not require this. Means my issues menu is now cluttered with a lot of filters that are only used for my gadgets and it is harder to find the filters that I actually run manually.

  • The gadget is still a lot slower to load than the old one. If I put the old gadget and the new one on the same dashboard and load the page then the old one always loads first.

  • Clicking the username in the gadget takes you to some URL like https://timereports.github.io/timereports.html?project.key=&dashboard=11800&<SNIP>, and a blank page is shown

  • There is meant to be some new features to log times from the gadget? This does not seem available.

  • Scrolling back/forward through the weeks or months had an intermitted problem where it would load a blank data range and not show any data, but if you scrolled again then the date range went back to what you would expect and the data loaded.

  • There was an intermittent error "Unexpected error timeout" if you navigated back/forward quickly.

  • The gadget seems to be loading data for every data range that you scroll through. So for instance if I want data from last October and click back a bunch of times on the month view then it flashes through the data for every month between now and then. At the same time, the fact that the header jumps around as the week headers load for months you've already scrolled past, means that the icon you're clicking to navigate back a month is always moving.

I think I'm missing some issues I found here.. but this is a place to start. Looking forward to your reply.

Regards, Hamilton

Comments (6)

  1. Hamilton Colyer-Long reporter

    Just noticed Issue #775 duplicates one of my points about the filters needing to be favourites. I agree with that poster, this is a bug.

    Another bug to add: when grouping by project it displays the project name but sorts by the project key; it should sort by name.

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