Clicking username in gadget does not work

Issue #834 resolved
Hamilton Colyer-Long created an issue

When the gadget it grouping by Worked User, clicking the username in the gadget takes you to some URL like<SNIP>;, and a blank page is shown

Comments (10)

  1. Hamilton Colyer-Long reporter

    Not sure how you can close the issue this is flagged as duplicating when there is clearly buggy behaviour. The link in the top of the gadget launches the Timesheet Report - so this should do the same. If you need to pass parameters via URL - which seems crazy - then you should stop the username from being a link rather than have it open an empty page.

  2. Andriy Zhdanov

    Sorry, the link is working when opening in the same tab, i.e. not holding Ctrl or trying to open the link in new tab. The bug referenced is Won't fix, it means that I agree it is a problem, but can't do anything about it. Sorry again.

  3. Hamilton Colyer-Long reporter

    Hi Andridy, thanks for the reply. But I've just tested this and whilst I can see that opening in a new tab causes the bad link I described, and thus I understand why you can't fix this perhaps - when just click the username link without holding down Ctrl for instance the link doesn't do anything. Well, the first time you click it it seems to refresh the data in the gadget, and subsequent clicks don't even do that. What is the intended current functionality? I'd expect that you might open the timesheet report for that user.

  4. Andriy Zhdanov
    • changed status to open

    When clicking it normally it should open Timesheet for the selected user. But looks like it's not working well either. Will try to fix it.

  5. Hamilton Colyer-Long reporter

    Thank you Andriy. I've retested this several more times, refreshing page etc, and it never opens the timesheet.

  6. Hamilton Colyer-Long reporter

    Updated issue summary as there are two parts to this problem: 1. Clicking the username (without opening in new tab) doesn't do anything but should show the timesheet report for that user 2. Clicking the username while holding down CTRL (or right click and opening in new tab) takes you to a bad URL and shows a blank page. This is somewhat related to #790 and may be solved by #743 - but not necessarily so, as there may be a solution to show the report in a new tab without needing to pass parameters by URL, as stated by Andriy in the comments against #830

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