Ability to log hours in case of Grouped by field view

Issue #835 open
Hamilton Colyer-Long created an issue

There is meant to be some new features to log times from the gadget? This does not seem available.

Comments (6)

  1. Hamilton Colyer-Long reporter

    Perhaps you would consider adding it to other views also?

    We have dashboards that shows all hours logged per project and per squad, and have trained our developers to look at these regularly to ensure that they are logging their development time. It would perhaps be useful if they could log times directly from these dashboards - though selecting the issue to log the times against would mean that this would only be situationally useful because unless they were intending to log more time against an issue that they had already worked on (and thus the issue ID was in the gadget) then they would need to open the project board to find the issue id to log the time against anyway.

    I'll chalk this one up as feedback for your consideration.

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