Gadget should not allow "Show worked hours by month" in week view

Issue #840 resolved
Hamilton Colyer-Long created an issue

Showing the hours per month in the week view makes no sense, the only options should be per week and per day.

If you are in the month view and showing per month, and then change to the week view then it would be sensible to show the work per week.

The fact that the gadget allows this per month breakdown in the week view creates some pretty unexpected results. If you're in the month view and showing data per week, and then change to the week view then you would expect that clicking the breakdown button would change to per day, but instead it changes the UI to be showing the monthly summary.

If you spend enough time using the component then you eventually get the hang of what it is doing, but it is not at all intuitive and confuses users.

Comments (6)

  1. Hamilton Colyer-Long reporter

    Thinking about it more, the option to show the breakdown per month should be removed altogether.

    You would want to have a breakdown per month if you could view data for multiple months at the same time - but this feature is not available so the breakdown serves no purpose (particularly because the Total column shows the same information in both the daily and weekly breakdown views).

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