Changing settings causes the gadget to display all users and ignore the group setting

Issue #841 resolved
Hamilton Colyer-Long created an issue

If you have a gadget set to show work for GroupA grouped by Project, and then change this to GroupB, then when you view the gadget the heading shows that it is for all users, and the data is for all users (but it should be for GroupB only)

If you go back in and edit the gadget then you can see the the 'All Users' option is not ticked and the correct group is assigned, so the problem is not with the settings being saved incorrectly.

This behaviour happens regardless of whether you add GroupB before removing GroupA, or after removing GroupA - which might be significant for debugging because my initial suspicion was that when you removed GroupA the gadget might automatically be turning All Users on but just not updating the UI - but this is not the case.

There is a workaround that you can edit the gadget and click "All Users" twice to toggle it on and then back off again, and then when you save those setting the gadget shows the correct group.

Comments (7)

  1. Hamilton Colyer-Long reporter

    Related to this, if you add a new gadget and set the project then the gadget shows only data for you. You need to go back into the settings, open up the user dropdown and then click save (without selecting any user) to get around this.

  2. ChristopheD

    Thanks for the workaround :)

    Same issue when you try to only indicate one user (instead of a group)

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