Import of calendar file does not work

Issue #844 closed
TravelToWork created an issue

I try to import the attached calendar and the dates on our calendar are not updated.

Comments (15)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov


    _bulgaria-201631448635962272989601266.ics does not look like ICS file, but like CSV, here is what I can see in it:

    "Bridge St. Cyril and St. Methodius Day (Education & Culture Day)";"Bulgaria";"2016-05-23T00:00:00+02:00";"1";"Monday";"5";"May";"2016"

    I may fix error handling to diagnose the problem, but you may be you need support for this format instead?

    Thank you.

  2. TravelToWork reporter

    I tried to find the ics file in the link you specified but there was none so I search for ics file with the holidays and found these two (the link for the seccond file: Is it possible to check the BulgarianStatutoryHolidays.ics file if it's ok or the format is also wrong

  3. Andriy Zhdanov

    BulgarianStatutoryHolidays.ics has correct format, but it causes some problems, investigating...

  4. TravelToWork reporter

    Hi Andriy,

    Sorry to bother but do we have to do something. Our version is 3.0.4 but we still experience this issue

    Thanks, Atanas

  5. TravelToWork reporter

    Hi Andriy,

    Thank you very much for the great assistance and quick resolution. Works perfectly.

    Thanks again.

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