Make the gadget navigation panel fixed width

Issue #847 resolved
Hamilton Colyer-Long created an issue

The navigation panel I'm talking about has 7 buttons (back/back to current/details/breakdown/period/forward to current/forward), some of which are hidden depending on your navigation position. Can you please make this navigation bar a fixed width (regardless of which buttons are visible) so that it doesn't jump around as you navigate and/or change the view.

Currently you can for instance navigate back 6 weeks by clicking the back button 6 times in a row without waiting for the data to load, but you can't do the same thing going forward because the button moves around all over the place as the data loads.

Pretty minor status on this, just a "nice to have"

Comments (6)

  1. Hamilton Colyer-Long reporter

    Dynamic resizing of the navigation panel is causing issues of its own (see below). Fixing the size will solve this problem..

    Incorrect Resizing.png

    EDIT: Notice the details button and forward to current are overlapping.

  2. Hamilton Colyer-Long reporter

    Please make the gadget navigation panel a fixed width! This ticket has been open a long time and would seem like a quick fix to provide a better UX.

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