[TIME-85] Pivot Report does not show all worklog rows

Issue #85 resolved
Andriy Zhdanov created an issue

The pivot report only shows the first logged time of an issue.
I logged two times for an issue (Mo=4h, Di=3h).
The report only shows the 4h.
The sum is correct. 7h are shown.

(See the screenshoots.)

By thilker/Thorsten Hilker on Tue, 11 May 2010 02:46:47 -0700

Comments (3)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov reporter

    The MyUser class used to group worklog time is used in a hashmap but doesn't implement equals() nor hashCode()

    By jo.voordeckers on Mon, 28 Jun 2010 06:07:23 -0700

  2. Andriy Zhdanov reporter

    It should be fixed now, please confirm.

    Committed revision 152897

    By azhdanov on Mon, 28 Jun 2010 07:26:21 -0700

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