Hiding the time tracking for specific user groups

Issue #857 invalid
Former user created an issue

We have configured the time tracking is visible only for certain user groups. Customers should not see which times have been tracked to individual tickets.

This works by hiding the widget with Javascript. At the time of loading the ticket time tracking is visible for a little moment (until the Javascript hides it). With a slow internet connection you can see the time tracking for a few seconds until it disappears.

Is it possible to hide the time tracking instantly (without JS) or "remove" it completely from html source?

Comments (5)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Patrick,

    Could you please clarify, is Worked Time Chart shown and then hidden, or whole gadget is shown and then hidden? May be screenshot can help also.

    Thank you.

  2. Andriy Zhdanov

    Oh, this widget is standard JIRA element, and not a dashboard gadget. Please ask Atlassian Support for help.

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