Allow add multiple users in TimeSheet Gadget for option: "Show Entries created by User"

Issue #858 resolved
Former user created an issue

Use Case: I would like show worklogs for specificts set of users. (Group by Workloged User)

Current Solution: - Create specfic groups for set of users and use Show summary for users in groups

Issue - We have many specifics team (groups) which needs to be created and there will be issue with the management of groups for the administrators

Proposed solution

allow add multiple users in "Show entries created by user (optional, current user if empty)"

Comments (5)

  1. Ignacio Pulgar Martín

    That's a good idea, especially because users without JIRA Admin permissions can't see what users belong to which groups. +1

  2. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Jaroslav, Ignacio

    Version for JIRA 5-6 is released.

    It is possible to specify coma separated user names in gadget configuration.

    Similar support for reports is not possible so far.

    Thank you.

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