International Dates not working

Issue #859 resolved
Steve Peacocke created an issue

Since the change, the international dates are not working. Everything seems to be on American time. Entering times will show previous day (in New Zealand). Times are now unreadable and unreliable for international locations.

Times logged today will show up in reports as having worked yesterday. Reporting is therefore unreliable and no longer acceptable for company reporting to head office.

Comments (10)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Steve,

    I can't reproduce it so far. I've changed my computer time zone to Auckland, log work dialog shows me correctly 10th of May now, while it's 9th of May in Europe. JIRA offers to fix User Preferences to match JIRA and Browser timezones, after doing it, dialog behaves the same correctly, and hours logged are shown in 10th of May correctly.

    What browser are you using? Looks like Safari, will try it later.

    Thank you.

  2. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Steve,

    I've just tried on Safari, and can't see the problem either. Could you try different browser or ask other team members if they see the same problem?

    Thank you.

  3. Steve Peacocke Account Deactivated reporter

    Thanks for the trials. I can confirm that not only is this an issue with all the development and QA staff here, but it's also a concern for the staff in the UK. They have the same issue showing the same screen as attached.

  4. Andriy Zhdanov

    UPD: I had to revert the following change: Anyway, I have just changed plugin to use timezone from JIRA, please let me know if it helped.

  5. Steve Peacocke Account Deactivated reporter

    Thank you for your assistance. I can verify that.

    1. My Profile date is set in Jira to Auckland NZ profile.png

    2. The website you sent me to shows the correct time for my time zone momentjs.png

    3. The times on the Jira timesheet is still showing the incorrect date/time jira.png

    Please can you verify that the entry to "Log Time" is your timesheet addon rather than Jira itself. Thank you for your assistance.

  6. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Steve,

    I have finally realized that your screen shot of Log Work dialog is not from Time Reports for JIRA Cloud. Sorry, I was confused by your initial description when you said "Since the change", because all JIRA Cloud instances migrated form Timesheet plugin to Time Reports add-on recently.

    So, it is standard JIRA dialog, but you might be trying log work from gadget on dashboard, is it the case?

    If so, there is startTime passed in url from gadget, e.g. startDate=17%2FMay%2F16%2010%3A14%20PM and it may be the problem.

    Please check, and if appropriate, please clarify JIRA version also and exact plugin version. I can't reproduce the problem with 3.0.4 for JIRA 7 and latest for JIRA 5-6.

    Otherwise, you might be using Log Work action right from JIRA issue, or Tempo plugin, then you may need to contact them instead.

    Thank you.

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