Missbehaviour in Jira cloud / Missing old gadget

Issue #862 duplicate
Thomas Brandt created an issue


We used the one which came with JIRA On demand. Today I installed the substitute. But after several tries I gave up to rebuild the known layout viewe we urgently need – and you claim tob e able to, too:

Formerly it was a simple click on the username in the pivot table. This leads nowadays to a dead end anywhere here and nothing will be displayed: https://timereports.github.io/timereports.html?project.key=&dashboard=10000&dashboardItem=12303&v=2&tz=Europe%2FBerlin&loc=de-DE&user_id=Icke&user_key=gn&xdm_e=https%3A%2F%2Fcbl-computer.atlassian.net&xdm_c=channel-timereports__timereports-gadget6654623416185903947&cp=&lic=active&cv=1.1.88#/?pivotTableType=Timesheet&user=gn&group=

Comments (10)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov

    Unfortunately, it's not possible to open links of the new plugin in new tab. The link should work though if you click it normally, without opening in a new tab.

    It is known limitation of connect add-ons.

    Please watch issue#743 if it will be every possible.

  2. Thomas Brandt reporter

    Hi, again. being not able to open the detail report in an new tab alone would only be irritating, but in fact I am not able to get something similar as the attached TimeGadget.png at all. In old version I got this with clicking on the user's Name in the column Header. Doing this in the current version absolutely nothing happens. Please, help. getting back "my" Report.Thx.

  3. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Thomas,

    I've just tried to fix links for when you click user's Name, please let me know if it's better.

    Thank you.

  4. Thomas Brandt reporter

    Thanks for immediate answer, but... nothing changed. But I do not know how fast I do have acces to your changes in Jira Cloud. Sorry, if I repeat too often my needs. How do I get a Report like the on attached. Best regards.

  5. Andriy Zhdanov

    There are two different things in this issue:

    1) Report as in the description should be built using Group By: Issue Type option. It has just one section though, and you can show/hide details using expand/collapse icon.

    2) Clicking username - does not work in new window, but is fixed for the case of the same window.

  6. Thomas Brandt reporter

    Please, beleive me: (left-) clicking on column Header does not work. The Gadget will only be refreshed with the same Contents.TimeGadget2.png

  7. Andriy Zhdanov

    Well, sorry, it works in report only. In gadget it should open report instead when issue#830 is fixed, please watch issue#834 for this.

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