Could not draw pie with long labels contained inside canvas

Issue #872 resolved
Leila Antunes created an issue

The label is too long and can not draw in Dashboard or the graphic is too confused to see/read when i use by reports.

The pie chart use the name of the Jira´s project in the label. I do not know the solution, but maybe use the id (usually 3 or 4 letters) of the project instead of the name. Another possibility is to configure what will appear in the label.

See the images to explain the problem.


image (1).png


image (2).png

It is very urgent for me because we do not have "worked time chart gadget" anymore. And i use those charts as a performance indicators in every review meeting.

Comments (5)

  1. Leila Antunes reporter

    Hi, Andriy!

    It is better!!! I saw a new function "Collapse field groups" today and the result is better. Thanks a lot. =)

    And the graphic, could be better? Maybe a bit bigger. Observe that there is space in the right side. See in the picture.

    [image: Imagem inline 1]

    I still suggest you to use the KEY project fields instead of the NAME of the project field.

    Thanks a lot.


    • Leila Antunes*

    • Inovação Digital*

    Tel.: 55 (21) 2534-9724

  2. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Leila,

    Glad it helped and you like Collapse field groups option. As for your other suggestions, I've tried to increase chart, and display project key instead of name also, hope it helps too.

    Thank you.

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