Slow loading & Hours in days incorrect

Issue #880 resolved
Former user created an issue

Hello: 2 issues to report.

  1. Gadget very slow loading - please can you look into this if not already. This has been like this since we started using it.

  2. As of today the Gadget shows Days and Hours not Days as it did last week. However the days are set to 7 hrs and we use a 7.5 hrs day. We cannot find how to change this. Can you please look at this as a priority.


Comments (19)

  1. Ronald Vallenduuk

    Our gadget showed hours last week and now shows weeks/days/hours/minutes. How do I change that back to just hours/minutes? Also like Vincent the hours in a day calculation is wrong.

  2. Mirek Rakowski Account Deactivated

    Hi @azhdanov,

    We also recently spotted that our reporting does not work as expected - number of hours per day (configured on the project / tenant level - Jira OnDemand) is not being picked up by the plugin which causes differences in generated reports which is very important for us.

    I hope that this will be an easy fix for you.

    Best regards, Mirek Rakowski

  3. Andriy Zhdanov


    It now uses time format in JIRA Time Tracking setting, see Administration - Issues - Time Tracking - Time estimate will be in the following format: pretty.

    Would it work for you to change format there?

  4. Ronald Vallenduuk

    I would prefer just h/m but I guess we'll get used to w/d/h/m if we have to. The main problem at the moment is that it's wrong. We have a 7.5h workday configured but your gadget shows 7.5h as 1d 30m instead of just 1d.

  5. Former user Account Deleted

    Sorry but my admin has had to disable the gadget and we shall use Tempo due to the level of user complaints.

    If/when you can sort the defects let us know and we may try it again as I found it great before the problems. As per Ronald Vallenduuk it's not reading from Administration - Issues - Time Tracking BTW.

    Sorry but thanks for your work.


  6. Alex Bell

    You combined my issue with this one and looks like ignored it. What about total being in hours not in days? We don't need days at all, we use hours for billing per hour.

    Thank you

  7. Andriy Zhdanov

    HI Alex,

    It is configured by Administration - Issues - Time Tracking - Time estimate. Or do you think your problem is different?

    Thank you.

  8. Alex Bell

    I don't see any new config fields in configuration. and it looks like it's not even for the same plugin, we use Time Reports

    Time Reports Configuration   JIRA.png

    Please advise. Thanks

  9. Ronald Vallenduuk

    The gadget is displaying correct figures again but the question remains, as Alex points out, why has it changed from h/m to w/d/h/m? @Alex: the configuration is the configuration of Time Tracking, not the time report plugin.

  10. Timothy Burgener Account Deactivated

    @azhdanov , you're linking to the global setting, which is insufficient for my team. We want the totals, in these reports, to be hour based (like they were). Period. We want the global Jira option to be 'pretty' which affects estimates in other contexts. Since this plugin has changed a few months ago, numerous things don't work right, and we will switch to different time reporting if this isn't corrected with a unique option just for these reports and gadgets.

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