[TIME-89] Report shows only main task hours not subtask hours

Issue #89 resolved
Andriy Zhdanov created an issue

) project pivot report ( on selection of project and start date and end date).
2) total are correct per users.
3) but the values shows in report are not correct. It shows zero instead of work log hours, where actually user has entered work log, let me give a example.
User A may month effort( work log) is 160 hours, when I run report, it gives 160 as total under User A.
But the problem is under his name is see only 8 or 16 hours. When I click on user A link,it takes me to different page and it shows me all the effort logged by User A in details ,that is 160 ,this is correct. Same thing is missing on main page.

Another problem is when click on Export to excel link, it gives me a file name ConfigureReport!excelView.jspa but not the excel file.

I am attach the screen shot with detail, please check.

In attachment one ( Bharat worklog) :- this user have logged effort of 7 hour in 2 days.but i don't see them under his name on project pivot report , I can see only 1 hour under him,

Where as when I click on username( bharat) , I can see complete 7 hours and issue summary.( second screen shot:- Bharat work log by user.jpg)

Please advice.


By hvalugonda/Hari on Fri, 4 Jun 2010 02:20:47 -0700

Comments (2)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov reporter

    This should be fixed now, please confirm.

    Committed revision 152897

    By azhdanov on Mon, 28 Jun 2010 07:25:25 -0700

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