Timesheet excel report generation not working

Issue #893 resolved
Milijan Gacanovic created an issue

Following tests were done:

Test 1: Action: Select Timesheet report for 2 months, for all users, do not show the report in browser but instead click download excel Result: After 5-10 seconds download starts

Test 2: Action: Select Timesheet report for 3 months, for all users, do not show the report in browser but instead click download excel Result: After 5-10 seconds, browser shows Download failed - Network error

Is there something that can be done to increase volume of data that can be processed for excel export?

I am aware that as a workaround I can export month by month and manually merge excel files, but I would like to see a permanent solution for this.


Comments (11)

  1. Andriy Zhdanov

    Hi Milijan,

    I guess the problem is that JIRA fails to provide data for the longer periods. You may double check Network tab in Browser Javascript console, and see if /search requests succeed. So I mark it as duplicate, please let me know if it's not.

    Thank you.

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