Time Tracking overall status

Issue #900 resolved
Former user created an issue

I normally use a Time Tracking report that shows all issues with this link: https://inlead.atlassian.net/secure/ConfigureReport.jspa?startDate=1%2FApr%2F16&endDate=30%2FApr%2F16&targetGroup=&excludeTargetGroup=&projectRoleId=&projectid=&filterid=&showDetails=true&groupByField=&moreFields=timeestimate&moreFields=timespent&moreFields=timetracking&selectedProjectId=10600&reportKey=jira-timesheet-plugin%3Aprojectpivot&Next=Next

However when I tried to load it now, I get the following error:

Found no available report with key 'jira-timesheet-plugin:projectpivot'.

Did you change anything, and what is the new possibility of getting this list as I want?

When I go to Report and select the "Time Tracking", I have no option of defining a date span and I have no option of grouping by issues.

Comments (5)

  1. Former user Account Deleted

    Hi @azhdanov, thanks for the reply. Is there any way I can accomplish what I did before with the new Add-on? A list of work logs from one date to another date, grouped by issues and with the column remaining estimate?

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